
Social Entrepreneurship as an Opportunity to Enhance the Employability of Refugees

Social Entrepreneurship as an Opportunity to Enhance the Employability of Refugees

On 16 March 2017 IOM Slovenia organized a one day event for refugees with the aim to present the options of social entrepreneurship and self-employment as a possibility to enter the labour market in Slovenia. After the introductive panel about social entrepreneurship in Slovenia by Ms Mojca Štepic of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, local and foreign guests shared good practices in the field of migrant social economy and empowerment through self-employment. Social companies Skuhna from Slovenia, Magdas Lokal from Austria, Cucula from Germany and Microstart from Belgium presented the opportunities and challenges their encountered in the process of setting up their businesses. The companies have a shared mission of enabling access to education and trainings to persons with fewer opportunities, enhancing their employability and at the same giving them a space to present their perspectives and backgrounds. Microstart, which gives tutoring and micro credits to migrant entrepreneurs to set up their businesses, carried out a workshop with the participants to show how different obstacles experienced by new entrepreneurs can be successfully overcame when adequate support is available. At the end of the event, some participants attended individual counselling sessions carried out by DATA d.o.o. which enabled them to discuss the implementation of their own business ideas.





The event was carried out with funding from a MRF grant received through the COUNCIL OF EUROPE DEVELOPMENT BANK.