Slovenia became a Member State of the IOM on 28 November 2000. The IOM office in Slovenia operates under the Agreement on Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the International Organization for Migration signed in Ljubljana on 19 December 2001.

The main areas of activity in Slovenia are family reunification, migration health and projects to support the successful integration of migrants in the local community. The office works closely with governmental and civil society organisations in the field of child protection and counter-trafficking. Under refugee resettlement and relocation programmes, IOM Slovenia implements comprehensive travel and logistical assistance to allow for the safe travel of beneficiaries. In light of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the office supports the efforts to include migrants in the national vaccination programme in the spirit of the Universal Health Coverage and implements awareness raising activities. The office implements various capacity-building initiatives to enhance migrant inclusion and promote enabling and inclusive environment.

Learn more about the projects of IOM Ljubljana on the Our Work tab or consult the 2022-2023 Factsheet, which outlines key projects of the office in the current period.