
Relocated asylum seekers arrive to Slovenia from Italy

Relocated asylum seekers arrive to Slovenia from Italy

On 26 July 2017 IOM assisted in the arrival of 10 Eritrean nationals from Italy to Slovenia as part of the EU relocation programme. Since 2016, IOM has facilitated the safe arrival of 217 persons through the EU relocation scheme from Italy and Greece to Slovenia. Nationals of Eritrea (45), Syria (149), Iraq (17) and stateless persons (6) have been relocated during this time. 

As of 10 August 2017 25,876 people have been relocated in 24 countries (17,756 from Greece and 8,120 from Italy). Updated statistics on the EU level are available at the following link: 

The relocation scheme is an expression of internal EU solidarity, through which people in need of international protection are transferred from Greece and Italy to another Member State of Relocation, where their asylum application will be processed. Only those nationalities for which the EU average recognition rate is above 75% are eligible. The majority of beneficiaries were so far from Syria with Eritreans and Iraqis as the second and third largest groups.