
Online study visit to Slovenia on the topic of tailored integration support practices

On 14 December 2022, Includ-EU project virtually visited Slovenia and learned about tailored integration support practices developed by various stakeholders. Following the introductory part outlining the EU policy framework, presented by Marvin Jammerman from IOM Regional Office for the EEA, the EU and NATO in Brussels, inclusion of migrants in Slovenia, initiatives and practices for integration support have been presented by various stakeholders.


Mirna Buić from the Cultural and Educational Association – PiNA from Koper presented the establishment of the Municipal Advisory Body for Migration and Integration in Koper, which was initiated by the civil society and established under the auspices of the Municipality of Koper. This multi-sectorial Advisory Body serves as the forum for discussion on the needs of the migrant communities and potential responses to support their integration and foster social inclusion. Furthermore, she emphasized the importance of developing accessible and quality intercultural mediation services in the municipality, and promoting strengthening of migrant-led organizations to enhance the accountability and ownership of integration measures.

Nina Arnuš from TRI Institute (Škofja Loka) presented initiatives developed in the municipality of Škofja Loka to support inclusion of migrants, including establishment of the Municipal Coordination Body for Migrant Inclusion, and gender-sensitive approach to developing integration support with a focus on migrant women, as they provide language courses for migrant women, which also fosters a safe space for women to discuss their challenges and needs.

Resnija Ređepi, a linguistic and cultural mediator from the Adult Education Center Jesenice outlined her multi-faceted work of provision of intercultural mediation primarily for the Albanian speaking migrants in the municipality, whereby her tasks include both her assistance in public institutions in Jesenice per her weekly schedule, but she also provides intercultural mediation support upon request. In her view, trust-building with the migrant communities is the key aspect of ensuring quality integration support to migrants.

Tamara Raftović Loštrek from Slovenian Philanthropy presented the Daily Centers for Migrants that they run in Ljubljana and Maribor, and services they provide to migrants, ranging from language courses, legal aid, integration counselling, but also empowering migrant voices and providing a safe space.

Lana Krznarič from PIC – Legal Centre for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment, an UNHCR Implementing Partner, presented the Mobile Blue Dot service for provision of legal aid, counselling and information services for refugees from Ukraine in local communities. The Mobile Blue Dot service was established based on the need to ensure access to reliable information, but also orientation among available services. She emphasized the importance of cooperation among institutions.

The discussion focused on the need for inclusive policies to be developed through participatory and multi-stakeholder approach. The participants expressed a great interest in the presented practices and welcomed their whole-of-society approach and promotion of multi-stakeholder collaboration, emphasizing the importance of promoting migrant-inclusive participatory approaches.



The online study visit was organized in the framework of the Includ-EU project, implemented by IOM and funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union (DG HOME).

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SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities