
The last Includ-EU training on Protection of Children in the Context of Migration

Includ-EU training on Protection of Children in the Context of Migration, Ljubljana, 24 May 2023

IOM Slovenia closed the series of capacity-building activities of the Includ-EU project with a training on Protection of Children in the Context of Migration, organized in collaboration with the Association of Social Work Centers of Slovenia on 24 May 2023 in Ljubljana. The training was implemented by Daniel Redondo, Senior Regional Migrant Protection and Assistance Specialist, IOM Regional Office for the EEA, the EU and NATO in Brussels.


The trainer Daniel Redondo provided an insight into international standard on Child Protection and national regulative and policy framework. Further modules elaborated on best interest of the child in the context of migration and vulnerability in the context of migration, providing an insight to practitioners into various facets of intersection of child rights and migration.


The training was attended by representatives of national migration authorities, social protection authorities, education institutions and NGOs. Participants assessed that multi-stakeholder collaboration on various levels should be further strengthened to enhance the protection of migrant children in Slovenia, and ensure that children are firstly and foremostly treated as children, regardless of their legal status.



The training was organized in the framework of the Includ-EU project, implemented by IOM and funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union (DG HOME).

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 16 - Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 5 - Gender Equality
SDG 3 - Good Health and Well Being