Who We Are
WHO WE AREThe International Organization for Migration (IOM) is part of the United Nations System as the leading inter-governmental organization promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. IOM has had a presence in Slovenia since 2001.
IOM Global
IOM Global
Our Work
Our WorkAs the leading inter-governmental organization promoting humane and orderly migration, IOM plays a key role to support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through different areas of intervention that connect both humanitarian assistance and sustainable development. Across Slovenia, IOM covers different areas of intervention, such as refugee resettlement and relocation, assisted voluntary return and reintegration, and family reunification.
Cross-cutting (Global)
Cross-cutting (Global)
- Data and Resources
- Take Action
- 2030 Agenda
Family Reunification procedures also affected by COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) measures
We would like to inform you of the temporary changes that the IOM Slovenia has adopted in relation to the Covid-19 epidemic with regard to the implementation of the assistance in family reunification procedures, in accordance with national measures, the WHO health recommendations and the internal safety instructions related to the protection of beneficiaries and staff, and in particular in the light of the commercial air traffic suspension in Slovenia in force from 17. 3. 2020 until further notice.
Individual counselling and provision of information in IOM Slovenia premises have been temporarily postponed due to the protection of the health of beneficiaries and staff.
IOM Slovenia will continuously provide information about individual family reunification cases and the available assistance we offer via telephone and/or Skype (User ID: iom.slovenia).
We are also available via email at the address iomljubljana@iom.int.
Any updated information will be shared through this website and Twitter account.
For any urgent cases, please contact +386 (0)1 434 73 51.
Obveščamo vas o začasnih spremembah, katere je IOM sprejel v zvezi z epidemijo Covid-19 na področju nudenja podpore pri združevanju družinskih članov oseb s priznano mednarodno zaščito v Sloveniji v skladu z nacionalnimi ukrepi, zdravstvenimi priporočili WHO in internimi navodili na področju varnosti in zaščite upravičencev ter osebja, predvsem pa v luči odpovedi potniškega letalskega prometa v/iz Slovenije, ki velja od 17. 3. 2020 do 30. 3. 2020.
Osebna svetovanja in informiranja na področju združevanja družinskih članov v prostorih IOM-a se zaradi varovanja zdravja upravičencev in osebja začasno ne bodo izvajala.
IOM Slovenija bo preko telefona in/ali Skype-a (uporabniško ime: iom.slovenia) sproti in nemoteno nudil informacije o posameznih primerih združevanja družinskih članov ter možnostih asistence, ki jo nudimo.
Za vse informacije smo na voljo tudi preko elektronske pošte iomljubljana@iom.int.
Vse posodobljene informacije bomo objavili tudi na spletni strani IOM Slovenija in Twitter računu.
V nujnih primerih prosimo pokličite 01 434 73 51.