Duration: 45 months (01 January 2020 - 30 September 2023)
Donor: European Commission, Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund

Includ-EU is a project, which aims to enhance and promote the integration of third-country nationals in Europe and contribute to building more inclusive and cohesive European societies.

This EU-funded project contributes to building regional and local expertise, while facilitating exchange and engagement for enhanced social cohesion in Europe. Starting in 2020 and running for more than 3 years until September 2023, Includ-EU will be implemented in Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia and Spain. Project partners are AER – Regional Partner, based in Brussels, ANCI Toscana – Italy, Region of Crete – Greece, City of Tilburg – The Netherlands and DTASF (Department of labour, social affairs and family) – Catalonia, Spain.

Includ-EU will be implemented in Slovenia by IOM in close cooperation with local municipalities, with a commitment to the further inclusion of third-country nationals through labour market integration, health and housing efforts.

Includ-EU will enhance resources and expertise, to foster more cohesive European societies. This will be achieved through three specific objectives:

  1. To improve knowledge and capacities of local and regional authorities from Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia, and Spain to facilitate the integration of third-country nationals.
  2. To implement and assess pilot projects that promote the integration of third-county national at regional and local level in Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia and Spain.
  3. To set an informal network of regions and local authorities with different levels of expertise, that capitalizes on the diversity of territorial approaches, policy and practice on integration

Please visit the project website for more information on project activities and to access project resources.

Donors and Partners

         European  Union, IOM, AER, Anci Toscana, Generalitat de Catalunya, Region of Creete, Gemeente Tilburg