Duration: On-going
Donor: Self-payer

IOM Ljubljana assists refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection in Slovenia in exercizing their right to family unity and bringing their family members to Slovenia by providing pre-departure information, helping to obtain required travel documents and comprehensive movement logistics in close coordination with the Ministry of the Interior of Slovenia, the Government Office for the Support and Integration of Migrants and other IOM country offices. Between 2014 and 2020, IOM has assisted over 140 family members with their safe arrival to Slovenia in close cooperation with local IOM missions in Afghanistan, DR Congo, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Kenya, Somalia, Syria, Turkey, Yemen and other countries.

The decision to grant residency permits to family members of beneficiaries of international protection is taken by the Slovenian Ministry of the Interior. Once a positive decision is received, IOM mission in Slovenia can begin with the coordination of travel assistance if needed and requested by eligible refugees or persons with subsidiary protection.

IOM Slovenia cannot provide financial assistance but can offer reduced airfares, more flexibility and a higher luggage allowance to self-payers. IOM's assistance is all the more important for people who are illiterate, have never before taken a flight, persons with medical concerns or for children traveling alone. In such cases, medical or operational escorts can be provided by IOM.

In the period 15 October 2016 - 14 April 2018 the assistance provided by IOM Slovenia in family reunification procedures was financially supported by the European Union within the project "Protecting Children in the Context of the Refugee and Migrant Crisis in Europe".

What kind of assistance can IOM provide?

  • Individual consultations and advice to family members regarding travel, documents, exit visa procedures and any special travel arrangements based on individual needs – both in Slovenia and in the country of residence of the family members
  • Establishing contact with family members
  • Coordination between the relevant authorities in Slovenia and countries of origin/residence of family members to arrange all formal procedures
  • Sending and handing over travel documents to family members (in accordance with international, EU and national data protection and travel document laws)
  • Booking flights and issuing air tickets
  • Assistance by IOM staff at airports before departure, during transit and at arrival in Slovenia

If needed, IOM can also help the family members with:

  • Arranging accommodation during travel
  • Local transport
  • Medical checks before departure
  • Escorts for children so they travel safely and with necessary support
  • Escorts for persons in need of medical or other special assistance during travel

How can I request IOM's assistance?

IOM receives a written request for assistance from the Ministry of the Interior of Slovenia or you can also request IOM's assistance directly. Please use the below telephone number or e-mail address to arrange a meeting with an IOM counsellor:

E-mail address: iomljubljana@iom.int

Phone number: +386.1 434 73 51 (Mon-Fri, between 10:00 and 16:00)

Who covers the costs related to the travel of family members?

IOM cannot provide financial support for family reunification, nor information on how to fund the movements. Applicants therefore need to cover the costs themselves or find a sponsor to assist with the payment.

After we receive your request, we give you an estimation of the total cost which is then free of any obligation. Once we receive your confirmation and payment of the estimated costs, we proceed with the organization of the travel. Please note an IOM service fee will be charged for the assistance provided.

How long do the procedures take?

The length of the procedure depends on the availability of personal documents, air routes and tickets and other administrative issues, such as exit visas. IOM regularly informs family members of the progress and ensures that the process is as clear and swift as possible.